Ed Vasicek's Site
July Prayers for Evangelical Christians
July Prayers
July 1
by Ed Vasicek
You are a no-nonsense God. You become angry with those Who give you mere lip service, as You explain, when "people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me" (Isaiah 29:13). You are not a God Who wants image or impression; You want substance and heart-felt sincerity. You do not want our token efforts or half-hearted allegiance. You want us to love and serve You with all of our hearts. Your Son discouraged us from praying with useless repetition or a sheer volume of words (Matthew 6:7). You are only pleased with the simple and sincere. You are a no-nonsense God.
Lord, I remember those who have humble means. Others are fighting horrible illnesses, diseases, or constant pain. Others have gone through trials that defy description. O Father, shower Your grace upon such people. Reveal Yourself to them and provide for their needs. Bring people into their lives who can bless them, I ask.
Lord, help me to bear up under the trials, disappointments, fears and tribulations of life including: __________________.
Lord, I remember that the trying of my faith works patience, and patience experience, and experience hope (Romans 5:3-4). You use trials in my life to develop me, to teach me, to try me, to discipline me and to make me strong, for when I am weak, then I am strong. Lord, sometimes this sounds more like theory than practice. I often do not appreciate this program You have to develop me. I wish You would consult me first for my opinion. But then I remember that You are God, the potter, and I am the clay. The only rights I have are the ones with which You endowed me. So, with Your help, I'll try to trust You, even when I cannot understand Your ways.
Lord, I pray for the Federal Republic of Nigeria. a rather large nation with over 100 million people. Thank You that 23.5% of those people claim to be born-again evangelicals. Thank You, Lord! On a sad note though, the northern part of the country is mostly Muslim and has a track record of persecuting Christians. But the Christians there are a praying people and You have been answering many prayers, but some of the northern states enforce Islamic law and still persecute believers. Thousands have died over the last 15 years because of persecution. We pray that the entire nation will experience religious freedom and we pray that many Muslims would come to know Christ. Lord, help the percentage of born-again evangelicals grow by 50% in the next decade, I ask.
Today I remember the missionaries my church supports. I pray that, if it is Your will, you would raise up individuals from our congregation to serve in full time ministry, be that missions, pastoral work, evangelism, or any of many ministry opportunities.
I pray for those who work as plasterers and stucco masons. Give them safety, help them do their jobs well and may those who know You share their faith freely by example and by word.
Now use me to serve You today, I pray in Jesus' Name, Amen.
July 2
by Ed Vasicek
Holy Father,
You are a patient God. You are longsuffering and rarely in a hurry. Because of Your patience, You delay Your wrath. You are not willing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance. Before You drove out the people of Canaan before the Israelites, You gave them decades – even centuries – to repent.
Before You sent the children of Israel into captivity, You gave them centuries, about 490 years. Because they did not observe the sabbatical years every seventh year, You caught up by giving the land rest for 70 years, the Babylonian Captivity (2 Chronicles 36:21). Without our repentance, Your wrath is merely delayed. But during the times of Your patience, You call us to turn from our sins and to turn to You.
I remember parents. Lord, parents are so important to those little ones entrusted to their care. May parents everywhere protect and train their children in humane and balanced ways. Parents are just as important to junior and senior high teens. Even though parents change the way they relate to older children, help them adapt but not pull back. Remind them that their kids still need them even though teens may not want to admit that. Help them to love their children, not to spoil them, and to encourage them toward positive directions. We pray that Christian parents would prove to be consistent role models for their young ones. Send angels to protect both parents and children, I pray.
Thank You Lord for Norway. Father, Norwegian Christians have been among the most missions-minded in the world and they still are! Thank You that over 9% of the population claim to be born-again evangelicals, while about 5% claim to be born-again but attending non-evangelical churches. I know that for Europe, this is exceptional. I thank You that a renewal seems to be taking place and I pray that it would result in great progress for Your Kingdom. May the percentage of born-again believers double over the next decade and help Norwegian believers to reach Muslim immigrants for Christ. Thank You for the remarkable fact that the State Church is very evangelical in belief. May Your Spirit move mightily in this land.
Bless the ministry of Gospel for Asia, O Lord, as they seek to “plant churches among the unreached.... Gospel for Asia trains and sends native missionaries because they have proven extremely effective. They are already familiar with the language and culture and they live at the level of the people they serve, thus removing many social barriers.” Lord, Asia is one of the most unreached sections of the world. Bless this ministry. Empower them by Your Spirit, provide for them, protect them and grant them harmony and efficiency, I pray.
Lord, I pray for those who work as roofers. Give them safety, Lord, and wisdom. Help them do their tasks well and may those who know You freely share their testimony with their coworkers. May they be used of You, O Lord.
Now help me to honor You today, I pray in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
July 3
by Ed Vasicek
Ever-present Lord,
You are the God Who delivered Daniel from the Lion's Den. You worked a miracle and closed the mouths of those hungry lions. Yet on the other hand, lions in the Roman Coliseum killed many faithful Christians. You are the God Who can deliver, but You do not always choose to do so (Hebrews 11:32-38). And so, Lord, we trust You and Your power, but we also acknowledge that Your ways are higher than ours, for we cannot reduce You down to a formula. And we ask, not command; we request, not demand; we can plead our case, but we do not always understand Your long-term purpose.
Lord, I have some specific requests to bring before You today. They are: __________.
Father, many couples struggle with their marriages. Lord, help struggling couples to endure, to address problems as they arise and to humble themselves before You. Help wives to accept the nature of men and men the nature of their wives. Help individuals to repent of the sins that create problems and help each one to face his or her own sin, reminding each one that they cannot change their spouses, only themselves.
Father, I intercede for believers who are struggling with substance abuse, addictions, or other bad or undesirable habits. Some practices are wrong, even in moderation. Others are wrong in excess. Others are wrong only because they become enslaving. Help us all to put off our bad ways and replace them with positively constructive ways. Rather than steal, let us labor to give to those in need. Rather than gossip, let us praise. Instead of being drunk with wine, help us to be filled with Your Spirit. Help us replace the undesirable with the good – or at least the neutral.
Great God, only .3% of the Asian nation of Oman claim to be born-again evangelicals and most of those are foreigners who reside in Oman. The Muslim majority (over 92%) is largely unreached. Thank You for Christian radio broadcasts and the Internet which at least make it possible for many of these people to be exposed to the Gospel. Lord, use these means and othersto reach the Arab peoples of Oman, I ask. May Jesus Christ be exalted as many come to know Him. My prayer is that within a decade 2% of the population would know Jesus in a saving way. Please display Your Spirit’s regenerating power to this nation.
Lord, I pray for Great Commission Ministries which "plants and develops churches in the United States and overseas that both tell the story of Christ in the language of the emerging generation and foster Christian growth. [They] currently have a ministry presence on 44 U.S. campuses and in 23 countries.
GCM mobilizes people in vocational ministry through [their] staffing program.... GCM sends missions to serve churches in Asia, Europe and Latin America and seeks to help believers become mission-minded, culturally aware Christians." Bless this work with fruit, keep them in tune with Your Word and Your Spirit and grant them harmony, I pray.
Help me keep my mind on You today, I ask in Messiah’s Name, Amen.
July 4
by Ed Vasicek
Dear Lord,
You are a relational God and a God who loves families. You are the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. You connected Yourself to men of faith, men who were sinners and flawed but men whom You declared righteous by faith. Because Jesus Christ would eventually die for their sins and because You, O Lord, are not bound by time, You could retain holiness yet freely endear Yourself to mortal men. You currently endear Yourself to those of us who know Christ Jesus our Lord. O Father, may Your faith also permeate my family for generations to come. Help me to enjoy my relationship with You so that I too, like Abraham, may be Your friend.
Lord, I am thankful for many things three of which are: __________.
Lord, I empty myself before You so that Your Spirit may fill me. May I find my strength in His power not my own. May Your Spirit control me today.
Father, because I am so vulnerable, I sometimes am strapped by fear. On the one hand, Your word tells me that a wise man is cautious, but when that caution turns to fear, I am held in bondage to it. Help me, therefore, to be cautious but not fearful; trusting in You but not presuming.
Lord, help my church be harmonious. May the leaders be firm when it comes to the clear teachings of Scripture and gracious about the not-so-clear matters. Keep antagonists, troublemakers and those who resent authority away from our congregation. Help my church to be effective in evangelism, discipleship, loving one another and world missions.
Speaking of missions, today I pray for the nation of Pakistan. Most of the people are Muslim while evangelical believers number less than .4%. Those who come to Christ from an Islamic background do so at the risk of their own lives. Pakistan is a land where all sorts of things take place: kidnapping, violent crime and strife between people groups. Lord, bless the missions which are true to Your Word, use correspondence, literature, the Jesus film, Christian radio and recordings and the discreet witnessing of believers to reach others. Keep the believers safe, give them wisdom and help them to be able to evade persecution, I pray. May the number of believers grow tenfold over the next five years.
Thank You for Heart To Heart International Ministries whose "purpose is to share the gospel of Christ in Romania. [They] minister to children and youth, focusing on orphans, street children, homeless and poor. As [they] share the gospel of Christ, [they] meet the physical, emotional and spiritual needs. [They] minister by providing food and clothing; by educating and equipping with skills." Lord, bless this work; give them fruit for their labor. May they make a big difference for Christ; empower them by Your Spirit and provide for their needs, I ask.
I remember those who work as bus and truck mechanics and diesel engine specialists. Grant them safety on the job. Help them to do their work well and may those who know You freely share Christ and set a Christian example, I pray.
Help me to set such an example myself, I ask in Christ's Name, Amen.
July 5
by Ed Vasicek
Even before I was saved, it was obvious that You exist. My innate instincts told me so; the fact that I have a conscience means that I recognize the concept of law and if there is a law, there must be a lawgiver. The complexities of nature are beyond mere chance. And I instinctively know that things like love, compassion, or the ability to dream dreams implies a reality beyond the mere physical. But Lord, apart from these evidences, it took the Gospel message to bring me into a true relationship with You. Christ died for my sins, was buried and rose again! When I turned from my sin and turned to Christ in faith, I began a new life.
Lord, it burdens me that some of my loved ones and friends do not know You. They have not been regenerated; they know nothing of a personal relationship with You. To them, You are either a God to be kept at bay, or they only want You when they need You. Please, Lord, grant them the repentance that leads to life!
Father, when I came to know Christ, I was blessed by You to be led to a Bible-believing Bible-teaching, and mind-building church. I did not have to check my mind at the door, but neither did they compromise Your Word. I found satisfying answers to my questions and I eventually developed some good Christian friendships that nurtured my walk with You. Lord, many of Your children are not part of a spiritual family. They are missing so much. Lord, every church on earth is imperfect, but some at least try to take Your Word seriously. Lead them to such a church, I pray.
First John says that if I confess my sins, You are faithful and just to forgive me those sins and You will purify me from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). I confess the sins I am aware of now and I ask Your Spirit to search my heart (Pause to admit them to God.).
I pray for parents of children who have gone astray. Lord, bring them to Yourself if they do not know You; if they do, may they return as did the prodigal son, I pray.
Lord, the Palestinian Authority is a mess of a region. Father, may peace prevail. Thank You for the .1% who claims to be born-again evangelicals while over 86% of the population is Muslim. The instability makes it difficult for Christians to witness – even difficult to be safe. Lord, may many of these people come to know Jesus. Work out Your will in this area, for matters are complicated.
Lord, thank You for Hellenic Ministries. They desire "to see Greece evangelized and the Greek Church mobilized for cross-cultural missions service. [Their] motto is 'Christ for Greece and the Nations'. (HM also seeks to see Greece as a stepping-stone for ministry beyond the Mediterranean.) HM's ministry distinctives are Evangelism, Mercy Ministries, Discipleship and support of the local indigenous church." Lord, bless this work, empower the missionaries, grant them harmony, safety, provision and much fruit to Your glory!
Bless me today, I ask, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
July 6
by Ed Vasicek
You are a God Who can be depended upon. Although I try to be a person of my Word, I cannot always do what I promise because I limited and unforeseen circumstances might rob me of the ability to follow through. I may be sincere, but I cannot always deliver. Then sometimes my motives may not be pure or my sincerity impeccable, for I have a heart that is deceitful (Jeremiah 17:9). But You are never self-deceived, insincere, taken by surprise, or unable to do what You promise. Your dependability is what keeps our universe together. It is responsible for every breath I take. Thank You that Your promise never to leave me is also dependable!
O God, sometimes life overwhelms me. The older I get, the faster time seems to move. Surprises await me around the corner and I find myself swamped with work, responsibilities, or commitments. But You have a perfect schedule for me; You do not hold me accountable for what is impossible. Instead You want me to prioritize life based upon Your will, not what is screaming loudest.
Lord, I have some specific requests to bring before You today. They are: __________.
Help me with my thought life today. Help me think positive and pleasant thoughts today, thoughts that please You. Also help me to spend time in Your Word on a regular basis.
I pray for Christian (and other) marriages around me. Lord, it is in our nation’s best interest when marriages hold together – especially when there are children involved. If I am married, help me to continually nurture my marriage by intentionally dating my spouse, reading books that would help me and focusing on how I can be a better spouse, I ask.
I pray for the Chongqing Municipality province of China. This area is heavily polluted and over 31 million people populate this industrial area. Thank You that statistics show that over 2% of the population claim to be born-again evangelicals. Help the churches to grow significantly; may 4% of the population profess the above within the next decade, I ask. May Your Spirit draw many to Yourself there.
I thank Your also for the Fujian province where nearly 11% claim some sort of Christianity, most of them evangelical. May many more in this province of 34 million come to know Christ personally. Especially reach down and save many from the “She” population, few of who know You, O Lord.
Lord, thank You for the North American ministry of "Here's Life Inner City," "the urban ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ, a non-denominational, evangelical organization. [They] partner with holistic inner-city churches and ministries, seeking to transform neighborhoods through the redeeming power of Christ. [They] provide resources to these indigenous churches so that they can connect with the needy in their communities." Bless these ministries and we pray that their fruit would be so noticeable that even the lost will see the transforming power of Christ can do what no government program can.
Help Christ to work mightily through me in my little world, I pray in His Name, Amen.
July 7
by Ed Vasicek
Great God and King of Kings,
I worship You as the Infinite One. You, O Lord, have no boundaries. You fill the entire universe and Your attributes are extending outward toward infinity. Just as we never run out of numbers, so neither are Your attributes exhausted nor Your power limited. When we consider the billions of stars, some of which are actually galaxies whose light combines as though they were but single stars, we have to admit that we cannot comprehend the vastness of the universe. But You, Lord, are so much greater just as infinity is greater than any number.
Lord, I thank You for the Church. I thank You for the Universal Church made up of all those who truly know You. I thank You for my local church where I can use my talents and gifts in coordination with others so that we can do together what we cannot do alone. I thank You for the teaching of the Word, the accountability I have to the leadership and the way I learn to work with and love others who sometimes differ from me. Thank You that church involvement stretches me and helps me to focus on giving and helping others, not just "taking in."
Father, may Your joy be evident more and more in my life. Help me to appreciate salvation – especially my relationship to You __ so that I am filled with joy.
Help me to resist temptation and the lures of the Satan today.
Lord, help me to be a good steward of the funds with which You provide me. Proverbs 17:18 reads, "Of what use is money in the hand of a fool, since he has no desire to get wisdom." O, Lord, may I be a wise person. Help me be wise in all areas including money management.
Lord, You have worked mightily in the nation of Panama. In 1970, 4.8% of the population was evangelical Christian. In 2000, the percentage rose to 18% for which I praise You. Lord, may many more come to know Christ and follow Him. Father, the illegitimate birthrate of 72% bears testimony to messed up family structures. Help the Christians to change that. Help believers to let their faith affect their daily lives and choices, I ask. Train strong leaders and work a great deepening of the church, I ask.
Thank You for the ministry of Horizons International, "a nondenominational missions organization which exists to carry out the Great Commission." They are trying "to reach out to the millions of internationals in the US.... Horizons [also has] ...international teams in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East preaching the gospel." Bless this ministry; keep them true to Your Word, empower them by Your Spirit, provide for them, protect them and grant them harmony, I ask.
I remember those who work as heavy vehicle and mobile equipment service technicians. Give them safety on the job, help them to perform their tasks well and may those who know You freely share Christ with their fellow workers.
Help me remember that I am a pilgrim in this world, I pray in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
July 8
by Ed Vasicek
Mighty God,
Thank You that Your ways are not like ours. We think bigger is better or more is better. We think comfort and prosperity are what makes life meaningful. But You teach us otherwise. When they built Solomon's Temple with all its splendor, the people were not as dedicated to You as those who built the simple Temple of Ezra. In Ezra's day, the people celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles with zeal and obedience unseen since the days of Joshua (Nehemiah 8:17). You taught us that "success" as defined by the world is worthless (Luke 9:25). Indeed, You are the God of the remnant. Help us to value what You value, for this is often counterintuitive for us. Thank You that Your thoughts are above ours, but thank You that You want us to learn from You and of You.
Lord, I am thankful for many things three of which are: __________________.
Lord, I empty myself before You so that Your Spirit may fill me. May I find my strength in His power, not my own. May Your Spirit control me today.
Lord, I know the church gathers so that believer can build one another up in their faith, the result of this is spiritual maturity as seen in faith, hope and love. Help me to become a more mature Christian. This does not happen in giant leaps but by small baby steps. Help me make those steps. I also pray for the following, that they do would grow a little more every week: __________.
Father, help me be an approachable person. When another comes to correct me, may I not react in anger or laugh it off; instead let me assess the criticism and determine how true it is, if it is. May I learn about myself and seek to change what needs to improve with Your help. Let me be the wise person who accepts and welcomes reproof.
Lord, I remember the Pacific island nation of Papua New Guinea. Thank You that over 21% of the population claim to be born-again evangelicals. Thank You for the freedom of religion in this land and the many good things You are doing. Yet, Lord, there is a lot of compromise with the previous pagan beliefs: witchcraft, evil spirits, etc. Additionally there are many unreached people groupsand at least 133 languages in this nation need a translation in their own language with perhaps several hundred more people groups needing their own language version. Lord, help the Gospel be brought into every area of life for each believer and may this nation become a strong bastion for the faith of the Bible.
Thank You for Hospitals of Hope. They operate a hospital in Bolivia seeking opportunities to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and demonstrate His love. In addition to this work, they offer a "hospital in a can," as they supply medical supplies for missionaries in several nations – 18 thus far. O Lord, please provide for this ministry, use them to reach out with the love of Christ, grant them harmony and great fruit for their labor in both the physical and spiritual realm, I ask.
Now use me today to bless others, I ask in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
July 9
by Ed Vasicek
You are the Matchless God. Although Satan thinks he is hot stuff and although many of we humans think the sun rises and sets just for us, the truth is that it does – but for You! At our best, combined with all the saints and angels, we are not even a drop in the infinite ocean of Who You are. There is no comparison at all. That is why, when we reflect upon the reality of Who You are – and who we are in comparison – we are humbled and You are exalted. You have no real rivals. You are without equal, incomparable, our matchless God!
Lord, I have some specific requests to bring before You today. They are: __________________.
Lord, I pray that You would protect my loved ones and I throughout our lives. Sends guardian angels to watch over us, I pray. Keep us from harm and evil of all kinds: physical, spiritual, mental and relational. Help me, and those close to me, to love You with all my heart, mind, soul, spirit, will and strength. Let all we are be laid before Your feet as a living sacrifice. May my integrity and value system be such that others know that I do not associate money with happiness, but I take seriously the command to owe noone anything except to share Your love.
Father, help me view my daily life – and especially Sundays – as times of training for Your service. The training never ends, for I can always be closer to You. There is always so much more to learn, so much growth to experience. Please do not allow me to rest on my laurels. And help me take advantage of the opportunities around me.
Lord, I remember the South American nation of Paraguay in my prayer today. Thank You for the 4.8% who claim to be born-again evangelical Christians, but, Lord, most of them are from immigrant colonies. The mainstream culture of Paraguay is in dire need of solid evangelical churches. Please, Lord, send laborers into the fields. Also raise up institutions to train leaders and help the immigrant believers to have a burden to reach their neighbors, I ask.
Thank You, my God, for the creative outreach of Infinity Sports as they enlist and involve “Christian sportsmen and sportswomen in international sports ministry.” They focus upon the many unreached people found within the 10/40 window. This means their focus is upon "North Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, the Indian subcontinent, China and South East Asia." They seek to reach people in the "Gateway Cities" and within nations that restrict missionaries or even the freedom to share the Gospel.
Lord, bless this work and empower it by Your Spirit. Grant the workers harmony among themselves, protection, direction, provision and much fruit for their labor, I pray.
I remember those who work as automotive service technicians and mechanics. Grant them safety on the job, help them do their work well so that others are safe and may those who know You shine and share Christ.
Help me to shine for You today, I ask in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
July 10
by Ed Vasicek
Dear Father,
When the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness, many of them were arrogant, demanding and had an attitude of entitlement. You let them get hungry before You provided them with manna. You let them get thirsty before You provided them with water from the Rock. So, Lord, You are our Divine Developer. You create a thirst in us which only You can satisfy. You are out for my best interest. You enjoy seeing Your children mature in their faith and You take us in paths we ourselves would not choose.
But too often, Lord, I fail You. First John says that if I confess my sins, You are faithful and just to forgive me those sins and You will purify me from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). I confess the sins I am aware of now and I ask Your Spirit to search my heart (Pause to admit them to God.).
Lord, strife within families is awful. Please bring together members of my family (or of a family I know) who are at odds with other family members. We ask that the offenders would embrace repentance, apology, restitution and taking responsibility. Help them to be reasonable and willing to establish credibility over time if that is what is needed. And we pray that those offended would be gracious yet not naive. We know some situations can never be fixed, but we pray that many relationships would be reconciled.
I especially remember those who are seriously ill and have younger children. Lord, we all expect to die – unless delivered by rapture. But, Lord, children need their parents so badly. Please preserve their lives and their health, I ask.
Today I remember the South American nation of Peru. I praise You that 8.7% of the population claims to be born-again evangelical. I thank You for the great growth rate. Father, this nation has experienced many internal wars. We pray that peaceful and just government would be established. Poverty, unreached people groups and native superstition are all challenges for the church. Thank You that translations of the New Testament are in progress for 17 people groups with 12 in planning. Lord, may the number of evangelical believers grow in Peru and may Christian values spread rapidly. Help the nation to become wealthier as these values are put into practice. May Your Spirit draw many to Yourself.
I pray for The International Fellowship of Evangelical Students, "a global fellowship of indigenous national student movements formed in 1947 with the aim of starting and sustaining students witness in every university in the world. From an initial 10 movements, today the work spans more than 140 countries including IVCF in the United States alongside IVCF and GBUC in Canada." Lord, help Christians in these universities to stand strong and find answers to their questions. May they win many others to personal faith in Jesus Christ and see them discipled as Your Spirit empowers, provides and motivates Your children on campus.
I pray for those who work as home appliance repairers. May they do their work well. Help them to be fair, honest and wise in dealing with people. May those who know You share Christ freely with others especially with their peers.
Use me to Your glory today, I pray in Jesus' Name, Amen.
July 11
by Ed Vasicek
You are a God Who does not want to be forgotten. Sometimes we fail to realize how much You enjoy our thanksgiving. Your Word warns us, "But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth" (Deuteronomy 8:18a). So, Lord, remind me that though You do not need my thanksgiving, You delight in it. And You take this very seriously. It is more than a manner of courtesy: You want us to remember that we are completely dependent upon You. This truth is very humbling, but we need to be humbled, for our hearts are prone to arrogance.
I pray for my lost friends and family members, including: __________. Father, please send Your Spirit to draw them to Yourself and grant them the repentance that leads to life.
Father, I thank You that one day Jesus Christ shall return to the clouds, and we will meet Him in the air. The dead will be raised and those of Your children alive on earth will be changed into immortality as they ascend upward to meet You, all in the twinkling of an eye. We eagerly await this "blessed hope."
So, Lord, help me to have endurance as I wait for Christ's return. Sometimes life becomes overwhelming and I become disappointed in circumstances, disappointed with people and, frankly disappointed with myself. Sometimes, I confess, I even feel disappointed with You. So help me to endure, to persevere in faithfully serving You because I know my labor in You is not in vain.
Lord, help me to develop humility. You command me to humble myself before You, but You also want me to be humble in my dealing with others. Help me not to look out for only my own interests but the interest of others.
Father in heaven, thank You for Your work within the Asian Republic of the Philippines. Father, a whopping 16.7% of the population claims to be born-again evangelicals. The church has grown rapidly. Yet there are many unreached people including Muslims, the ethnic Chinese and a number of island people groups. O Father, continue to work mightily by Your Spirit in this nation. May the evangelical church double over the next decade and help the Gospel to penetrate all people groups and areas, I request.
Lord, I pray for International Messengers, "an interdenominational missions sending agency committed to evangelism and discipleship in all nations through partnering with local churches. [They are] involved in church renewal, Bible teaching, training and sending. [They] seek to bring about renewal in the local churches of eastern and central Europe by drawing their adult membership into ministry alongside our staff and short-term teams.... [They] seek after national pastors with a heart for evangelism and discipleship to come alongside them for involvement in the above-mentioned process."
I pray for those who work in automotive and vehicle body repairs. Help them do their work with skill, integrity, fairness and interest. May those who know You shine before their fellow workers and their clients, I ask.
Now help me to reflect the light of Christ today, I ask in His Name, Amen.
July 12
by Ed Vasicek
King of Kings,
Lord, You are a father to the fatherless and a defender of widows (Psalm 68:5). You become angry when people abuse the vulnerable and one day You will bring judgment upon those who do so. Father, although the unrighteous may seem to prosper, often their prosperity is short-lived. Eventually in this life or in eternity, You will right all wrongs because You are a just God. Even though Your martyred children in heaven call out for You to take revenge, You will do so only in Your time (Revelation 6:9-11), but You will do so.
Lord, help me not to envy sinners; instead help me to be zealous for You (Proverbs 23:17). Sometimes those who do not know You may be healthier, wealthier, or seemingly happier than me. Help me to remember that this is an illusion. Whether they show it or not – or face it or not – they have an emptiness I do not have. I know where I've come from, where I am going and my purpose in life: to glorify You. My life is not one constant distraction from the big issues! No, I have meaning and purpose and wisdom from You. Thank You, Lord.
Lord, I have some specific requests to bring before You today. They are: ____________.
Lord, I am thankful for many things, three of which are: ____________.
Lord, I empty myself before You so that Your Spirit may fill me. May I find my strength in His power, not my own. May Your Spirit control me today.
Lord, the Gansu province of China, with about 26 million people, has only about 1.9% of the population who claim any form of Christianity. Although most of these are evangelical, Lord, so many need to hear of Christ and trust Him! Thank You that FEBC broadcasts have reached many. But because there are too few trained leaders, false sects are emerging. Lord, provide training and leadership and may Your Spirit draw many to Christ from this region. May evangelicals double over the next three years here, I pray.
The Guandong Province with its 73 million people also has a small percentage of evangelicals perhaps 1%. Persecution is especially heavy in this province. O Lord, may Your Gospel powerfully penetrate this province. May the percentage of believers double in this area over the next five years, I ask.
My Master, I pray for International Students, Inc. They "exist to share Christ’s love with international students and to equip them for effective service in cooperation with the local church and others. [Their] vision is to see every international student befriended, led to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and discipled for His service. There are over 699,000 international students and scholars on U.S. university campuses today, from over 200 nations – the majority from restricted access nations that limit traditional missions (10/40 window nations.) They are lonely, spiritually hungry and incredibly strategic to the cause of Christ in their respective homeland. They will return home to make impact. ISI is mobilizing the Body of Christ in America so that their impact will be for Christ!" Lord, prosper this work, I ask. Grant the leaders harmony and the power of Your Spirit.
Now empower me today, I ask in Jesus' Name, Amen.
July 13
by Ed Vasicek
Gracious Lord,
Lord, You are not only the God of Abraham and Sarah, but also the God of Hagar. When she was cast out into the desert with her son, Ishmael, she was prepared to die of thirst. But You, O Lord, are the God Who sees. You saw her plight and directed her to water so that she and her son might live. Even though Hagar and Ishmael were not in the line of promise, You still love and care about individuals. You are truly the God Who sees. And I know that You see and care for me!
Help me to resist temptation and the lures of the Satan today. I know he and his forces are out to deceive me, to tempt me and to hinder my effectiveness for You, O Lord. Please bind Satan and help me to stand firm, dressed in the armor of God.
Lord, I pray for family, friends and acquaintances who suffer from dementia. Our minds are so very precious and when they deteriorate, Lord, it is so very tragic indeed. You rarely heal those who have such an ailment, but You can do so if You will to do so. I pray that in these cases You would do so. Yet, like Jesus at Gethsemane, I say, “not my will, but Yours be done.”
Father, help me take time to unwind. In Your Law, folks not only rested on the Sabbath, but they did not work the first year of marriage. They took off every seventh year and there were several scattered holidays – plus the time it took to make the three annual pilgrimages to Jerusalem. They even camped out for a week during the feast of Tabernacles. Help me remember that You, the Lord, are my Shepherd, not my foreman.
Lord, the nation of Poland, with it 39 million people, has very few evangelicals, less than .2%. There are more Jehovah’s Witnesses in Poland than born-again Christians! New age teaching and paganism are gaining ground. Yet, Lord, the church is beginning to grow. Thank You for the radio broadcasts and strategic studies being done. O Father, may the evangelical church grow tenfold over the next decade and then tenfold again over the next decade, should Jesus not come before then. May Your Spirit move over this nation; draw the multitudes to Him, I ask.
Thank You, Lord for the Jian Hua Foundation (JHF) which means "build China." Their “vision is to serve the peoples of China by sending: language teachers, specialists in other fields, medical and social workers, relief and development workers and businessmen and women. While committed to the majority Han Chinese [they] also have a special interest in helping the poorer parts of the country and reaching some of China's national minority people groups.” Although they do not technically send out missionaries [something not allowed], Christians are encouraged to connect to a Chinese Church and be the salt of the earth. Father, bless this ministry and use those who serve to testify to Your grace and bear much fruit. Guide the leaders, empower them by Your Spirit, protect and provide for them, I ask.
I commit this day to You, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
July 14
by Ed Vasicek
You take delight in Your people. This is so very amazing that You should be involved with us at all. How much more amazing is the fact that You are acquainted with all our ways. You are complete in Yourself and You know what is going on with everyone who makes up planet earth’s billions. Yet You are the God who enjoys people, a God Who knows how to celebrate and rejoice. Many of Your children fail to realize that You are a happy God. We know about Your wrath, but we often forget Your delight.
I pray for my pastor, staff and church board leaders, officers and teachers. If any do not know You, may they become born-again. Help them to be true to the Bible and to put Your Word over their own personal agendas. Help them to have genuine integrity, Biblical convictions, love, wisdom and courage.
Help them put their walk with You first, their families second and their ministries third. Do not allow others to intimidate them into neglecting their families and remind them: "the fear of man works a snare." Help them be most concerned about pleasing You, while also seeking peace and harmony within the congregation.
Father, I have some personal health concerns including: __________. I also pray for the physical, mental, or spiritual health of others including: __________.
Lord, help me remember that “A righteous man is cautious in friendship” (Proverbs 12:26). Since my friends do influence me, help me to be cautious in friendship. My arrogance tells me that I am not like other people, but Lord, like it or not, I am. I am vulnerable.
Today I remember the European nation of Portugal. Thank You that 3.1% of the population claims to be born-again evangelicals. The church has been growing, for this I praise You, O Lord. May Your Spirit bring many more to repentance. May the percentage of believers double over the next decade, I ask. Many counties have no evangelical witness at all and many churches are also into prosperity teaching that diverts the true mission of the church. Work in these situations according to Your will, I ask.
Lord, bless the Macedonian Project. “The Mac Project is the short-term sending arm of the Jesus Film Project. Through short-term mission opportunities, [they] seek to give everyone everywhere a chance to see and hear Jesus in their own language, so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus. [Their] focus is primarily the 10/40 Window.” O Lord, bless this ministry and the Jesus Film project. You have used this tool as a mighty outreach vehicle. So many thousands have come to know You through this. Bless this ministry more than ever; double the fruit this year, I ask. Protect, provide and empower by Your Spirit, I pray.
Lord, I remember those who work as iron and steel workers. Keep them safe on the job, help them to work well and may those who know You share Christ with their fellow workers. Help them exemplify Christian character to Your glory as well.
Use me, Lord, I pray in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
July 15
by Ed Vasicek
When Ezekiel saw a vision of You, this is how he described the vision: "Above the expanse over their heads was what looked like a throne of sapphire and high above on the throne was a figure like that of a man. I saw that from what appeared to be his waist up he looked like glowing metal, as if full of fire, and that from there down he looked like fire; and brilliant light surrounded him. Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. When I saw it, I fell facedown, and I heard the voice of one speaking." (Ezekiel 1:26-29) Lord, when I get just a small glimpse of Who You are, it humbles me. Like Ezekiel, I prostrate myself before You.
My Father, pride is such an awful thing. That I constantly need to remind myself of Who You are. Familiarity breeds contempt: it is possible to get too familiar with You. But getting to know You better breeds deeper respect: You are an awesome God. For the more I learn about You, the more I marvel.
Lord, life can drain me of my energy. I thank You that through renewing my strength by spending time with You I not only regain a sense of peace (Philippians 4:4-7) but I also regain internal energy and motivation (Isaiah 40: 29-31). Help me spend plenty of time in the Word and talking to You.
Lord, I have some specific requests to bring before You today. They are: __________.
First John says that if I confess my sins, You are faithful and just to forgive me those sins and You will purify me from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). I confess the sins I am aware of now and I ask Your Spirit to search my heart (Pause to admit them to God.).
Father, I pray for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Thank You that 27.6% of the population claims to be born-again evangelicals Yet, Lord, the translation of Your Word into daily life has been a weak link in the chain. Alcoholism, drugs and crime rates are high. Lord, help the churches grow in discipling believers and help those who know Christ to make Him their priority.
Thank You Lord for MAP (Medical Assistance Programs) International, "a Christian relief and development organization that addresses the total health needs of people living in the world's poorest communities. Working in partnership with Christian nationals, missionaries and other Christian health organizations, MAP provides community health training and essential medical supplies for hospitals, clinics, and emergency relief.... MAP offers short-term mission fellowships for medical students, enabling them to have first hand experience in a Christian mission hospital." Bless this ministry, O Lord. Provide for them, protect them, give them fruit for their labors, empower them by Your Spirit and grant them harmony amongst themselves, I ask.
Now help me to live out the Christian life at home, I ask in the Savior's Name, Amen.
July 16
by Ed Vasicek
When You appear to Isaac, we read, "The LORD appeared to Isaac and said, 'Do not go down to Egypt; live in the land where I tell you to live. Stay in this land for a while, and I will be with you and will bless you. For to you and your descendants I will give all these lands and will confirm the oath I swore to your father Abraham.'" We see here that You care about where we live, when we travel, and the part our current actions play upon future generations. We see that life is not just about us, but about Your glory and the long-term purposes You have. We also note that You are a God Who makes promises and keeps them. So, Father, keep us from looking at only our own lifetime, but help us to serve You with future generations in mind and for Your glory.
Remind me that, "one generation will commend your works to another" (Psalm 145:4). Help me therefore to associate with believers who are older than I and to invest my time in the younger generations. Help me disciple or influence those who will one day assume the reigns.
Lord, I am thankful for many things three of which are: __________.
Lord, I empty myself before You so that Your Spirit may fill me. May I find my strength in His power, not my own. May Your Spirit control me today.
Lord, give me a hunger for Your Word. Your Word is sweet like honey, nourishing to my soul. There is no famine of the Word of God, but if I do not feast on it, there may as well be! Only You, Lord, can give me the appetite I need to devour the Scriptures, to digest them, to make them part of me.
Father, I pray for the small evangelical church in Qatar. Most of the 2.5% of the population who claim to be born-again evangelicals are foreigners who moved to Qatar for work, while most of the indigenous population is Muslim. Thank You for the few who have made commitments to Christ. Father, may many more come to know Jesus. May Your Spirit move mightily over this land and we pray that freedom of religion would be a reality in this land.
O Lord, how I praise You for the wonderful ministry of Mercy Ships. "Mercy Ships...has operated hospital ships...[and] brings hope and healing to the forgotten poor, mobilizing people and resources worldwide and serving all people.... Mercy Ships has impacted over 5.5 million people; delivered more than $21 million of medical...completed close to 350 construction and agriculture projects including schools, clinics, orphanages and water wells; and demonstrated the love of God to people in 95 ports in 53 developing nations." Thank You for the "career and short-term volunteers [who] raise their own support and pay crew fees to serve. 850 career staff and over 1600 short-term volunteers from over 40 nations join together to serve the poor and needy."
O Father, may those who serve experience harmony among themselves and may they not only heal bodies, but also use them to reach people for Jesus Christ by Your Spirit, I pray.
Help me to reach out for Christ too, I ask in His Name, Amen.
July 17
by Ed Vasicek
My exalted God,
Lord, You have a mighty hand. You do not have a physical body, for Jesus taught us that "God is Spirit." Even though God the Son is forever one with human nature of Jesus and thus has a glorified body, Your essence is spiritual not physical. Being in Your image does not mean we look like You, but rather that we too have a spiritual existence – in addition to our physical bodies. So when You speak of Your hand, You mean Your decisive power. Since You are infinite, so are Your resources. Your word also talks about us dwelling under Your wings (Psalm 91:4). This does not mean that You have physical wings, but it pictures the reality that You are a shelter for us.
Lord, I have some disappointments and burdens in life. I have to find refuge under Your wings and need Your mighty hand to work in my life. Some hurts are deep and have left scars including: __________.
I turn them over to You. Help me to find Your purpose and joy in life. There are many things I cannot change, but I can share all my thoughts with You. You are a God Who feels with me. You help me to go on and grow and direct my attention elsewhere, while at the same time not pressuring me to "get over it."
I remember parents. Lord. Parents are so important to those little ones entrusted to their care. May parents everywhere protect and train their children in humane and balanced ways. Help them to love their children, not to spoil them, and to encourage them toward positive directions. We pray that Christian parents would prove to be consistent role models for their young ones. Send angels to protect them, I pray.
Lord, I thank You for the work You are doing in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China. These people are related to the Thais and there are hundreds of local languages in this region populated by 48 million people. Perhaps 1% of the population professes some sort of Christianity, mostly evangelical. Thank You that the number of Christians has grown tenfold over the last half-century. Lord, I pray that the church would multiply by ten again over the next decade! Father, help the government to stop persecuting Christianity in this region and throughout China. May genuine freedom of religion replace the oppressive regulations now in place, I ask.
I pray for MECCO Middle East Christian Outreach. Bless them as they seek to nurture evangelism, discipleship, servanthood and prayer within evangelical Middle Eastern churches. Their burden is to reach the main "21 cities with populations of over a million people, including some of the world's largest: Cairo (10m+), Tehran (8m+), Istanbul (8m+), Baghdad (nearly 5m), Alexandria (3m+) and Ankara (nearly 3m)." They are also burdened to work among "the refugees meeting physical needs, ...demonstrating God's love and grace." O Lord, bless this mission's work. Empower them with Your Spirit, grant them harmony among themselves, safety, wisdom, provision and great fruit for their labor.
Lord, may I labor for You today, I ask in Jesus' Name, Amen.
July 18
by Ed Vasicek
My Master and my God,
You are the God Who lifts us up out the slimy mud and mire. You love to reach down and set us upon You, the Rock of Ages. You take pleasure in exalting the humble and humbling the proud, for You want it known that You alone are God. We mortals forget that, You have to shake us to wake us. Those who have hardened their hearts against You have chosen eternal death in the lake of fire, for Your wrath, O God, is a consuming fire. Those who mock You think You need them, but they are hurting themselves. Although You rejoice and take pleasure when a person comes to repentance, You are not a weak God Who must depend upon mortal man.
Lord, help me to bear up under the trials, disappointments, fears and tribulations of life including: __________.
Let me remember that You are developing my faith and that You often use difficult times to make me stronger in You. Though I admit that I usually hate such trials, I do appreciate what You have done in my life through them. My choice is to go through them with You or without You. I will go through them either way. I choose to go through them hand in hand with You.
Lord, today I especially remember those looking for a job. Open doors of opportunity and match the right person to the right job. Especially help those who work with integrity and have good character to find employment.
Also, dear Father, help me to handle my finances well. Guide me when it comes to saving, giving and help me know when to say no. Help me control my money under Your guidance; please, do not let money control me.
Thank You, O Lord, for true churches where the doctrine of salvation by grace through faith alone is taught and where believers are led in Bible study and prayers directed to God alone and congregations where most people have been born-again into Your family. We pray that false churches would see the errors of their ways and correct them.
I remember the African nation of Reunion. Though this island in the Indian Ocean had few Christians before 1966, praise the Lord that 5.2% of the population now claims to be born-again evangelicals. Yet the history of slavery in this region left a legacy of promiscuity, illegitimacy and poverty. Lord, help those who truly know You to escape this legacy by walking closely with You! Thank You for the work of Child Evangelism Fellowship and other youth outreaches in this nation. May the percentage of evangelicals double over the next decade and may the believers become more and more deeply committed, I pray.
I pray for the missionaries my home church supports, some of whom are: __________. Bless them, provide for their needs, protect them, empower them by Your Spirit and may they bear much fruit, I pray. Grant them harmony amongst one another and bless their families.
Now, Lord, help me to live for You today, in Jesus' Name, Amen.
July 19
by Ed Vasicek
Merciful God,
Thank You that You work through Your providence behind the scenes. The Book of Esther never mentions Your Name, yet Your work is evident throughout it. When wicked Haman, the king's right-hand man, plotted to exterminate the Jewish people, You had arranged things – before he even schemed – to thwart his plan. Esther was in place as queen and Mordecai had previously saved the kings life – and they were both Jewish – something the king did not know. And that, Lord, is how You work. You work in advance to assure that Your goals are indeed attained.
Father, help me to remember the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, "He who is not with me is against me" (Luke 11:23). Lord, sometimes I pull back on my commitment to Christ. I jump in with both feet, but then I remove a foot and try to be my own master. But I can never be my own master: I either serve God or my sinful nature, for my new nature is out to serve God. Help me to consider myself dead to sin and my old nature and alive to You.
I pray for my lost friends and family members including: __________. Father, please send Your Spirit to draw them to Yourself and grant them the repentance that leads to life.
I pray for the elderly, sickly, and shut-in, including: ______________.
Help me to be an alert Christian, Lord. I do not want to be numbered among those who value peace so much that I keep my head in the sand or deny undesirable realities. No, I need to understand how I am led into sin, how the devil tempts me and to have answers for the questions people are asking. I need to read, study and tool up as one of Your workers. I can neither rest on my laurels nor live in the past, for You have placed me in today's world. That means You want me to address today's challenges. Help me to be brave and to do so, I ask.
Lord, I pray for the nation of Romania. Thank You that over 6% of the population is evangelical. Thank You for the growth in the church, but, Lord, that growth has slowed down. I pray that You would help the church to double over this next decade. I pray that the Orthodox Church would stop hindering the spread of Biblical evangelicalism and that many would come to know Christ in a personal and saving way. Keep western materialism from destroying the purity of the church, I ask.
Thank You, Lord, for New Life International, "a Christian outreach organization dedicated to providing humanitarian and developmental activities by providing safe water to the world.... Through local, national and international evangelism, the water purifiers open doors and are a tool to present Jesus Christ, the 'Living Water.'" Lord, as these workers bring water purifying systems to the world, may they also be effective in sharing Jesus Christ, the One Who can make rivers of living water flow from our innermost being.
Now, Lord, help me to share this Messiah with someone today, I ask in His Name, Amen.
July 20
by Ed Vasicek
Maker of Heaven and Earth,
Thank You that You are the God Who equips Your children "with everything good for doing his will" (Hebrews 13:21). Lord, many people find it is easy to tell us what to do. But they often do not show us how to do it But You have set up Biblical churches to train us (Ephesians 4:11-13) and one purpose of Your Word is to train us further (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Lord, help me think of You as an instructor, a coach, a trainer; help me take advantage of the training You offer me and remind me that I am Your apprentice-in-training.
Lord, help me to be a fair and just person. As a sinful human being, I have a strong bias toward my loved ones and myself. I admit that my heart – not just everyone else's but mine as well – is deceitful and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9). When decisions involve me or those close to me, my emotions kick in and can easily distort my perspective. Additionally, I find it easy to be unsympathetic toward strangers or those who are not close to me. So help me put myself in the shoes of others and seek the counsel of the godly.
Lord, I am thankful for many things three of which are: ______________.
First John says that if I confess my sins, You are faithful and just to forgive me those sins, and You will purify me from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). I confess the sins I am aware of now and I ask Your Spirit to search my heart (Pause to admit them to God.).
Lord, I empty myself before You so that Your Spirit may fill me. May I find my strength in His power, not my own. May Your Spirit control me today.
Today I pray for the massive nation of Russia. O Lord, how complex this land is. On the one hand, religious freedom has been greatly expanded since the fall of Communism; on the other, some of those gains are being lost. So many millions have died in concentration camps for their faith, O Lord. May those days never return! But now the government and particularly the Orthodox Church is promoting intolerance of other faiths. Less than 1% of the population claim to be evangelical and the challenges are many. Lord, may Your Spirit sweep across this land and draw a large number of people to saving faith, I ask. Give the church wisdom.
I remember New Mission Systems International whose "vision is to support and place people in fields of service to minister God's love so that people of all nations may be saved, individuals may be discipled, churches may be planted and matured and light may be brought into those places which have little hope of encountering God." Bless them as they send young adults on summer or short-term missions (up to two years) to a variety of nations. Give them fruit for their labor, harmony, the power of Your Spirit, provision and protection, I request.
Help me to reflect the love of Christ today, I pray in His Name, Amen.
July 21
by Ed Vasicek
O God,
Thank You for being a God Who loves me. You love mankind; You care about Your vast creation. But You also care about and know me. Jesus died for me. You know the number of hairs on my head. You know every thought I think before I think it. Yes, Lord, You are Lord of all, but You are also my Lord. You are a personal God who knows each of us personally. You feel with this, think with us, You experience life with us. You are so much a part of everything I do that I sometimes forget You are here with me. Remind me, Lord.
Today I pray for missionaries that my church or I support including: ______________.
I remember my marriage (if I am married) and the marriages of my extended families, friends and church families. Lord, hold them together. Help married couples to lean upon you and to work hard at addressing problems and experiencing harmony. I also pray for those who are divorced, that You would help them to go forward with Your hand in theirs.
I pray for those who struggle with loneliness. Although solitude can be good, loneliness causes emotional pain. You created us for Yourself and for others; there is something missing in our lives if we do not fellowship with You and there is something missing if we do not get close to others. We can also feel lonely if we are close to others but separated by schedule or distance. Sometimes it is Your will for us to be lonely. Our Lord Jesus often felt lonely, so help me not blame myself as though loneliness were a sin. On the other hand, help me to determine to connect to others and shun taking the role of the passive victim.
Lord, the nation of Rwanda has been a real heartbreak. Thank You that over a fifth of the population claim to be born-again evangelicals. But Lord, the horrible genocide in the 1990s has hurt the population horribly. Over a million died and some of the aggressors claimed to be Christians. Lord, such ethnic rivalry is a great tool of Satan and he used it skillfully in Rwanda. O Father, help the church and society to recover from this unimaginable trauma. It is still hard to believe this actually happened. Rwanda is also plagued with AIDS; over 11% of the population is affected. Lord, help the missionaries and church leaders as they try to pick up the pieces and rebuild this devastated land. Bring forth a pure church from the ashes of the past, I ask.
Lord, bless the work of North America Indian Ministries (NAIM), "a non-denominational faith mission focusing on Native people groups [working] in relationship with North American Indians in evangelization, discipleship and church planting. This association brings believers together in obedience to God's Word for fellowship, worship, teaching, prayer, baptism and the Lord's supper and as witnesses in outreach." Lord, prosper this mission with fruit, provision and safety. May Your Spirit empower the missionaries and help the Native American church to become strong and zealous.
Help me to be zealous for You today, I ask in Jesus' Name, Amen.
July 22
by Ed Vasicek
You are a calling God. We are born with an emptiness within us that can only be satisfied with You. You call us by our consciences to settle our differences with You, the Lawmaker. You call us by natural revelation, as we see Your power in the storm and Your design in all of creation. You call whenever the Gospel is preached. And when Your Spirit convicts, draws and regenerates those who become Your children, that, too, is a very special call. As Peter puts it, You are He, "who called [us] out of darkness into His wonderful light" (1 Peter 2:9). You are the One Who calls.
Lord, please help me with my thought life today. Help me think positive and pleasant thoughts today, thoughts that please You. So much of the battle takes place in the arena of the mind. Lord, control and protect my mind, I ask.
Today I praise You that the Holy Spirit has sealed me for the day of redemption. I bear the royal seal of the King of Kings and none dare open the seal but He. I am Yours, Lord, bought with the blood of Jesus Christ. I am not my own.
Dear Lord, help me to be a discerning person. There are many false teachings out there, many deceivers have entered the world. Others name the name of Christ but are not sincere. Help me not to be gullible. Help me to be discerning about spiritual things, relationships and life.
Father, help me to get to know my neighbors where I live and at work or school. Teach me the importance of participating in my community as an avenue to benefit myself – and a way to show love to others.
Lord, the Pacific Island of Samoa needs a work of Your Spirit. Although 4% claim to be born-again evangelicals, cults and inconsistent behavior among Christians present a serious challenge to the believers there. Lord, may the number of evangelicals double over the next decade and may the church there become strong and stand up to its many challenges.
Lord, thank You for the ministry of OSM/ITIPS. "Overseas Summer Missions (OSM) works with churches and provides affordable summer mission trips for college students and young adults to serve our Lord overseas. International Teacher Placement Service (ITPS) is a sister organization to provide opportunities for mission minded Christians to teach English overseas with paid positions for one year or longer, in the same time, to help national churches with their evangelical efforts." O God, empower those who serve in these ministries by Your Spirit. Grant them wisdom, boldness, tact and safety. Give them much fruit for their labor, I pray.
I pray for those who work as iron and steelworkers. Lord, please give them safety on the job, help them to do their work well and may those who know You be bold to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with their coworkers.
Help me to be faithful to You and mindful of You today, I pray in Jesus' Name, Amen.
July 23
by Ed Vasicek
You are the God of the remnant. We human beings love to follow the herd instinct. We imitate what is around us, gain our bearing from others and generally feel more comfortable following the pack. Some of this is good. It is the way You made us. We ought to be team players; we ought to be social.
But You call Your children out of the world for Your special purposes, yet we are to remain in the world: connected to society, but different, in some regards, from the norm. By seeding us throughout society, You want us to live lives that impress the lost. This provides opportunities to give Your Gospel a hearing, but it also brings glory to You, whether people believe or not. You whittled down Gideon's army to prove it was You Who fought the battle. So the Kingdom of God expands not by force or manipulation, but by Your Spirit working through us. You take pleasure in Your "called out" ones.
Help me to resist temptation and the lures of Satan today. May I be alert to his schemes and take up the armor of God.
Lord, I remember my country's chief executive officer (President, Prime Minister, Secretary General, etc.) and our legislative and judicial branches. May all these leaders favor true and complete religious freedom. Help them to govern with righteousness and equity.
Today I remember youth who are participating in Christian camps. Bless them with safety, health, discernment and wisdom. Help them embrace truth and dismiss error. May those campers who do not know Jesus Christ come to know Him; guide those who already do know Him to dedicate their lives to You. Speak to them, Lord. May they have good, clean fun and return home inspired and satisfied.
Lord, I pray for the Guizhou Province of China with its 37 million people and 39 people groups. Father, a few of those groups have seen Your Gospel take root deeply. Overall, 3.9% of the population claim some form of Christianity, mostly evangelical. But while some people groups have many Christians, others have very little and some have none. Lord, help the Gospel to spread throughout each of these people groups! May the percentage of believers double over the next five years in this province. Give the believers wisdom so that they might avoid the persecution of the government.
O Lord, bless the work of Prison Fellowship International (PFI), the world’s largest network of prison ministries, more than 100,000 volunteers serving the Body of Christ behind bars in over 100 countries.... PFI’s mission is to work through the Christian community to meet the spiritual and physical needs of prisoners, ex-prisoners, victims and their families and to promote Biblical standards of restorative justice. PFI serves its ministries through short-term assistance projects (medical, technical), HIV/AIDS prevention, vocational training for inmates, micro-lending for ex-offenders and inmates’ spouses, leadership training, victim-offender reconciliation, etc. Thank You that they share the Good News of Jesus Christ in the process and thank You for many who come to know You through this work. Empower them by Your Spirit, protect, provide, guide and bless, I ask.
Now use me to share the Good News, I pray in Jesus' Name, Amen.
July 24
by Ed Vasicek
My Awesome God,
You are the God Who loves to reveal Himself. The heavens declare Your glory. Creation shows Your masterful engineering skills. You have revealed Yourself to the nation of Israel and to all mankind through Your Word. And one day, when Jesus returns to earth to reign, You will reveal Yourself again.
Thank You for those moments or eras of revelation. We are a people drawn to You and we want to know our God, even if that knowledge includes some fear and trembling! One day we will see You and then we will understand more fully, but for now, thank You that we can look in a dim first century mirror (1 Corinthians 13:12). When we see You, the image will become sharp and clear.
Lord, I empty myself before You so that Your Spirit may fill me. May I find my strength in His power, not my own. May Your Spirit control me today.
Father, time is so intimidating to me. Your Word counsels me to number my days (Psalm 90:12). The older I get, the faster times seems to move. At 5 years of age, one year is 20% of our lives. At 50 years, it is 2%. And so it seems to pass ten times more quickly. It will not seem long before I will be absent from the body and present with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:8). So Lord, help me live in light of eternity.
Help me complete the task You have for me on earth. When I am in heaven, I will not be able to lead the lost to Christ, I will not be praying for others, I will not need to be salt or light or concentrate upon my responsibilities to my family, neighbor, church, or workplace. I can only do those things now. Help me to glorify You in how I do them!
Today I remember the small Goa Province of India. The area has some forms of Christianity, but there are very few evangelical believers in this region. Please reach some future leaders who speak the Konaki language and multiply the number of those who know You.
I also pray for the Gujarat Province of India with its 50 million people. This is a "focal point in India for the persecution of Christians" according to Operation World. Despite the Hindu-led persecution, the evangelical church is growing in some regions though less than .5% of the population claims any form of Christianity. So many people groups are unreached in this Province! Lord, may the number of evangelical Christians rise to 5% over the next decade. Do a mighty work of Your Spirit there. Reveal Yourself to these people in a powerful way, I ask.
Thank You, Lord, for Radstock Ministries. Bless them as they "equip and mobilize the local church for missions...to see local churches in North America develop a radical commitment to missions and an active hands-on involvement... Radstock seeks to build a multinational network of churches through which missions opportunities are made available." Bless their efforts, I ask. May they see churches with little or no missions concern jump in with both feet, I pray.
Use me today, I ask in the Savior's Name, Amen.
July 25
by Ed Vasicek
All-Powerful Sovereign of the Universe,
Thank You that Your response to us once we are in Your family is in some ways unconditional, yet in other ways conditional. On the one hand, once we are in Christ, You see us "in Him." We stand pure and clean. We have no condemnation if we are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). Yet, on the other hand, our fellowship with You can be broken by sin, the remedy of which is confession (1 John 1:7-9).
So You are a God who responds to us sometimes conditionally, sometimes unconditionally. And, to make things more complex, sometimes You respond to us conditionally, but You have determined (unconditionally) to work within us so that we meet the conditions You prescribe (Philippians 2:13). So it all comes down to You.
As I just mentioned, Lord, First John says that if I confess my sins, You are faithful and just to forgive me those sins, and You will purify me from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). I confess the sins I am aware of now and I ask Your Spirit to search my heart (Pause to admit them to God).
Lord, give me wisdom and blessing in the realm of finances. Help me to use my money wisely and realistically. Help me to give to support the Kingdom of God. May I be an example and testimony to others as to how serving the Lord frees one from materialism and irresponsible money management. If I am not an example now, help me to radically realign my thought process with the principles of God's Word.
Today I remember the persecuted church. I pray that the persecution would stop, that believers would be able to avoid persecution through Your guidance, but that they would trust in You when they cannot avoid persecution.
Lord, please give them special grace. I pray for the following nations, that the governments and the population there would become more enlightened and recognize that religious freedom is every person's right. I pray for the 6-10th worse nations: Somalia, Pakistan, Yemen, Columbia, Nepal and North Sudan.
I remember the African island nation of Sao Tome & Principe. Although the overwhelming majority of the people profess a type of Christianity, over 90% of the babies are born out of wedlock. Thank You for the 2.2% who claim to be born-again evangelicals; may their values translate into real life, I ask.
Double the evangelical church within the next 5 years, I pray. May the believers there align their lives with Your Word, I ask.
Lord, I pray for Reaching Indians Ministries International and their 530 (many indigenous) missionaries in India. Help them to make great progress in accomplishing their goal: "To reach the unreached Indians in India and worldwide for Christ through Christian partnership." Bless their ministries of saturation evangelism and church planting, leadership development, and compassion services. Empower them by Your Spirit, provide, protect and help them, O Lord. Bless them with much fruit to Your glory.
Help me to remember You through my day, I ask in Jesus' Name, Amen.
July 26
by Ed Vasicek
You are the Great Builder. Our Lord Jesus worked as a builder – a stonemason and wood worker – before He began His ministry. Then He began to build the Kingdom of God. So You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, are still building Your church. Jesus Christ is the Cornerstone (1 Peter 2:7), the Apostles and Prophets laid the rest of the foundation (Ephesians 2:20) and we believers are living stones built upon that foundation (1 Peter 2:5). You, Holy Spirit, are working in us to edify us, and you give us fellow Christians to help build us up while we use our gifts to help build them up. Thank You, Lord, for being a life builder. Help me to trust Your blueprints over my own or the blueprints of the world.
I pray for my lost friends and family members, including: __________. Father, please send Your Spirit to draw them to Yourself and grant them the repentance that leads to life.
I pray for Christians who are straying from their first love or compromising their walk with You. Rekindle the faith they once professed and help them fervently love the Savior once again. Remove their boring view of serving You and help them see the adventure and fulfillment of walking daily in Your light. Stir up their hearts and help them make the routines of godliness a part of their lives. I especially remember: ______________.
Lord, today I pray for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This nation is very bad when it comes to religious freedom. Even preexisting Christians are not allowed to gather for a religious meeting. Saudis who come to faith in Jesus Christ are put to death, no exceptions. The few believers must work hard at keeping their faith secret or face execution. Thank You for Christian radio broadcasts and satellite television; use them to reach the Saudi people. O Lord, may the government and people of Saudi Arabia become enlightened and embrace true religious freedom. Help the few who know You to have special wisdom. Send angels to protect them and multiply their numbers. Perhaps .1% are evangelical believers; may 1% of the population come to know You over the next five years, I ask.
Father, thank You for Reign Ministries, "an agency committed to Building and Advancing the Kingdom of God through youth and youth leaders.... [Their] focus is training and discipling over 5,000 student leaders in the next 10 years to have a radical impact on the Kingdom of God.... Many...have served in over 50 countries in the last 10 years! [They] are placing staff on Pioneering teams to Japan, Burkina-Faso, Columbia and the UK." O Lord, provide, prosper and protect these missionaries. Grant them an abundance of fruit for their work, I ask.
Lord, I pray for Christians to stay true to the sexual morality and gender viewpoint of the Bible. Help us love those with whom we disagree, and help us not to compromise what your Word teaches, caving in to the culture (world) – even if that culture is embraced by dear family members. Help us navigate the fine line between recognizing the right others have to disagree with us and the wrong of giving our approval to that which is wrong.
Now, O God, help me to be a fruitful Christian; I surrender myself afresh to You, in Jesus' Name, Amen.
July 27
by Ed Vasicek
Great One seated on the Throne above,
You reign in regal majesty. You never become weary or tired. You have no creaturely limitations, for You are the uncreated Creator. Yet, You enjoy giving strength to the weary and sustaining those who trust in You. You have taught us that when we are weak, then we are strong. For when we are weak, we depend upon Your strength.
Father, thank You that the Lord Jesus after dying once for all mankind and at one point in time ascended back into heaven never to die again. As the risen victor, He sits at Your right hand and prays for us and defends us against the devil's accusations.
Father, help my health to fare well. Health is such a precious gift, a gift we do not always appreciate unless it is taken away. So I thank You for the level of health that I now have and look forward to the time when my body is redeemed (Romans 8:23-24). Then, there will be no more sickness, no more glasses or dental work or vaccinations or ingrown toenails or colds or flus. No more arthritis, cancer, heart problems, diabetes, muscular diseases, dementia, or pneumonia or other human ailments. Thank You for the times You have healed in answer to prayer and thank You for teaching me, using me and leading me when You have chosen not to heal (Galatians 4:13, 2 Corinthians 12:10).
O, Lord, please help to the hurting, the emotionally wounded and the devastated. Strengthen those stung by disappointment, encourage the demoralized and bind up the emotionally wounded. Especially help: __________.
Father, I pray for the 20 million people in the Indian province of Haryana, one of India’s least-evangelized states. According to Operation World, "only 15 of the 92 people groups are known to have any congregations of believers.... There were a total of 265 Christian workers in Haryana in 1998.
There are now 15 Christian training institutions in the state." Only .06% are Protestant, mostly evangelical. O God, the Gospel has barely touched this province. May Your Spirit raise up men, women and young people in increasing numbers. Lord, I pray that 1% of the population might come to know You within the next decade.
Lord, thank You for Servant Group International (SGI), “a Christian organization serving among Middle Eastern communities. SGI works to strengthen the development of all aspects of traditional Middle Eastern society, particularly the institutions of education and family. SGI works closely with local churches in the Middle East. Work has been difficult and dangerous at times, yet...SGI has been privileged to assist with the growth of fellowships in several cities and with the associated programs of those churches including radio stations, printing presses and bookstores. SGI field staff provide critical support, with activities ranging from discipleship training for church leaders to oversight of Christian Classical Schools enrolling hundreds of local students.” Father, use this ministry. Provide them with safety, provision, the power of Your Spirit and great fruit for their labor, I pray.
Help me to walk closely with You today, I ask in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
July 28
by Ed Vasicek
High and Lifted Up One,
You are a God who wants us to be honest with You. Like David, pouring out his complaints before You, so You want me to be an authentic person. You are eager to hear about my fears, my frustrations, my dreams and my dashed hopes. Friends of family can help me, but they are limited and can only take so much. But You invite me to haggle things out with You because You are a God who enjoys living life with His children. Although this is so different from the God many follow, it is Who You, Yahweh, the God of the Bible are.
Lord, help us to remember that we are not our own. Before we make a major decision, help us to realize that we do not have that right: You do. We are Your servants and You want to guide and direct us. So help us pray, consider the spiritual impact of our choices and get the counsel of the godly.
Remind us that we are not free agents. We belong to You. We should not move without first consulting You. We should not buy a house or change jobs without consulting You, O Lord. We should not bounce from church to church or spouse to spouse. We need to submit our wills to Yours, O Lord.
Father, I pray for Christian students at secular colleges. O Lord, help them to get involved in Christian fellowships like Campus Crusade for Christ, The Navigators, or InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.
Help them not to be afraid of questions, but help them seek and find satisfying answers from Christian websites like www.christiananswers.net. May they return home with a stronger faith and may they lead many of their fellow students to faith in Jesus Christ. Help them not to isolate themselves, I ask.
Lord, over 6 million people live in the Indian province of Himachal Pradesh, yet only .09% claim any form of Christianity. This province draws many Hindus as they make religious pilgrimages and participate in idolatry. Yet there is some light shining in this darkness: "In 1991 all known Christians were 4,435 in number and only 90 churches were functioning. Between 1992 and 1998 over 1,200 were baptized and 150 churches were planted" (source: Operation World). O Lord, please double the number of believers every year for the next 5 years, I ask. May Your Spirit grant many the repentance that leads to life.
Father, please bless Sisters In Service, “a global outreach ministry that focuses on women. SIS informs, mobilizes and equips U.S. advocates to extend God's love to women and children through local partnerships in the least reached places of the world. [Their] goal is to multiply laborers who focus on the ‘least of these,’ on women in unreached lands. In these cultures women are the least valued, least fed, least educated and least reached over all. [They] open outreach doorways in Iraq, India, China, the Middle East and Southeast Asia.” O Lord, prosper and bless this work. Provide for them, grant them safety and harmony and empower them by Your Spirit, I ask.
Empower me to walk with You today, I request in the Savior’s Name, Amen.
July 29
by Ed Vasicek
Omnipotent King,
Your Word tells me, "Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD" (Jeremiah 9:23b-24a). What glory, that I can both know and understand You. I cannot fully know or fully understand another human being and You are infinite.
I confess I cannot know You fully or understand You completely. But, when I put my faith in Christ, I began to know You – not just to know about You. You enjoy walking with me daily and revealing Yourself to me. Your Word sometimes jumps out at me and like the Psalmist, You give me insights that my (lost) teachers do not have (Psalm 119:99). You are the God Who wants to be known and understood.
Help me to resist temptation and the lures of the Satan today. I claim Your protection and ask You to bind Satan and his kingdom from hindering me.
Father, I have some personal health concerns including: __________. I also pray for the physical, mental, or spiritual health of others including: __________.
I am so thankful that this body of mine does not have to last forever. When Jesus returns, I will receive my glorified body!
Lord, help me to be a wise and reasonable person. When I have a disagreement, help me to see the other side and to believe that the other side has some reason to it. Help me to step out of my emotions and seek to fairly understand opposing viewpoints, I ask. May I work hard at being fair, even if it is to my disadvantage.
I remember the nation of Senegal in prayer today. Recently, Islamic fundamentalists have taken over the government. Over 92% of the population is Muslim and born-again evangelicals are a mere .1% of the population. Some missionary work has been fruitful, but as a whole, not very successful. There are many unreached people groups. Six New Testaments have been translated with 19 underway, but it is unclear if this work will be able to continue under an Islamic regime. Grant wisdom and safety to the Christians and missionaries there; may this nation turn around by the power of Your Spirit, I ask. May many from Senegal find the freedom that Christ brings.
Today I pray for The Mission Society. It "has a two-fold vision: First on behalf of Christ, [they] go to the lost...sending out witnesses to engage in an evangelical, holistic ministry ... [and they are] involved in evangelism and discipleship, church-planting, relief and development, vocational training, micro-economic development assistance, medical/humanitarian aid, theological education and ministries to youth and children." Bless their work with fruit; may many come to know and follow Christ. Grant them harmony, protection, provision, and the power of Your Spirit, I ask.
May Your grace be with those who work as structural metal fabricators and fitters. Grant them safety, help them to work heartily and honestly and may those who know You demonstrate their faith by their works.
Help my works to demonstrate my faith today, I pray in Yeshua's Name, Amen.
July 30
by Ed Vasicek
God of the Years,
Although we age and pass away from this life like the grass, You go on unscathed by time. Yet You are the Ancient of Days. Your eternal nature compliments Your infinite wisdom. We tend to think of gray or white hair as a sign of both age and the accumulated wisdom of age. But You have always had all wisdom and knowledge. When Daniel saw a vision of You, He wrote, "As I looked, thrones were set in place, and the Ancient of Days took his seat. His clothing was as white as snow; the hair of his head was white like wool. His throne was flaming with fire and its wheels were all ablaze" (Daniel 7:9). I praise You as the "all wise One." Thank You for sharing some of Your wisdom in Your Word.
Lord, I have some specific requests to bring before You today. They are: ______________.
First John says that if I confess my sins, You are faithful and just to forgive me those sins, and You will purify me from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). I confess the sins I am aware of now and I ask Your Spirit to search my heart (Pause to admit them to God).
Help me to do my part by volunteering to serve or continuing to serve in a Bible-believing, Bible-teaching church. May I set my roots down deeply and to attend every week I am able to do so.
Today I pray for the 92 islands that make up the African nation of Seychelles. Thank You for the religious freedom that prevails here and thank You that about 5.3% claim to be born-again evangelicals. Forty years ago, the percentage of evangelicals was close to zero, so thank You, Lord, that You are working by Your Spirit. Send laborers to reach the less-reached people and help Christian broadcasting to be able to air the Gospel in more languages. This is a very immoral and superstitious nation: help those who come to know You to put these sinful ways behind them. May Your Spirit draw many more to Yourself; please double the church over the next five years for Your glory.
Lord, please bless Utah Partnerships for Christ. "UPFC's vision is to train college students to effectively reach the ever growing Mormon population around the world. [They] train students to speak the truth in love and create opportunities for relationship building evangelism. [Their] target is Utah since 70% of all Utahans are Mormon. [They] spend time on college campuses like Brigham Young University and Temple Square where Mormons are typically open to discussion about Christ. [They] also reach out to the lost on the Ute Indian Reservation and assist with work projects helping local churches and Christian ministries. These efforts along with helping facilitate Christian concerts serves to encourage and evangelize the state of Utah,...a forgotten mission field."
Provide for them, prosper their efforts and draw many to Yourself by the regenerating power of Your Spirit, I ask.
Help me to bear testimony to the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, I pray in His Name, Amen.
July 31
by Ed Vasicek
How can I thank You for Your goodness to me? You are my Creator and You uphold the universe to keep it from dissipating. You are my Redeemer. I was lost in sin, alienated for You and under Your divine wrath. But You sent Your Son, Jesus Christ, to die and rise for me. Even though Christ did this for me 2,000 years ago, I still was born lost until Your Spirit brought me to life through regeneration. He coaxed me along. Although I could not understand the things of the Spirit, He opened my eyes.
Even though my mind was hostile toward the true God, He made the true God appealing to me. Even though I was spiritually dead, He brought me to spiritual life. The result: my faith and trust are in Jesus Christ and I am safely held in Your hand. I know You as my friend and heaven is my eternal home. No wonder I find it easy to praise Your Name!
I pray for my lost friends and family members including: __________. Father, please send Your Spirit to draw them to Yourself and grant them the repentance that leads to life.
Lord, when it comes to relating to other people, help me not to be ignorant or inconsiderate. If I am a morning person, help me consider those who are not. As Your Word warns, "If a man loudly blesses his neighbor early in the morning, it will be taken as a curse" (Proverbs 27:14). Likewise, if I am a night person, help me respect the schedule of morning people. Keep me from trying to force everyone into my mold or putting them down for being different from me. Help me to keep my personal arrogance and agendas in check.
Today I pray for the small African nation of Sierra Leone. Lord, the devil has hold of this nation. Although 3.2% of the population claims to be evangelical Christian, missionaries have been in this land since the late 1700s and have made little progress. Occultism, violence – even the sick and senseless amputation of the limbs of children and helpless people as acts of terrorism – are common, as is rape. The corruption and anarchy despite the nations wealth of natural resources has made it perhaps the poorest and most desperate country on the face of the earth. O God, please turn this nation around. Help the Christians to become strong, to triple their numbers over the next five years and to set a tone for restoration. Only Your Spirit can straighten out this unspeakable mess.
Lord, bless the efforts of Wiconi International whose mission is "to see Native people find faith and life in Jesus Christ and fulfill their God-given place in the Body of Christ worldwide...and taking advantage of the international fascination with Native Americans for the purpose of communicating the Gospel."
Lord, may this ministry be used of You to reach and disciple many. Empower them by Your Spirit, provide for them and grant them harmony, I ask.
Use me as a peacemaker today, I pray in the Messiah's Name, Amen.