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Prayers 1-5

Prayer #1

by Ed Vasicek


Dear Gracious God,


We are awestruck by You. All created things had a beginning, but You are uncreated; there has never been a time before You were. You created time and are not restricted by it. You are self-sufficient. You do not need us, but You enjoy us and love us. But we need You, for apart from a relationship to You, existence has no enduring meaning.


Father, we thank You for Your Word which lights our path. Although we can find pieces of truth here and there, only Your Word is breathed by You. And so our Bibles are the only infallible source of truth. Help us, O Lord, to cherish and study it so that we might know You better and serve You in both knowledge and zeal.


Lord, we value the many people who enrich our lives. We especially remember those who serve our government at a state level. We pray for our governor, our state senators and representatives, and our state judicial system. We pray for the leaders and workers who serve within our state�s agencies. Help them to pass laws that meet with your approval, and help them wisely and properly administer those laws. We pray that we might be at peace with them, and that you would guide and bless their work and their families.


Our church family includes many individual families. And All-Knowing One, we know that You know how stressful some of our family situations are. We pray that You would shower grace, blessing, guidance, and wisdom to our families. We ask that You would help them stay in tact; help the relationships within them to be nurturing, positive, and godly.


Our God, we are mindful of our brothers and sisters in Christ who are suffering persecution. Many are suffering because of oppressive Islamic governments; others are victims of left-wing societies. We pray that the persecution might stop, that the persecutors would be won to faith in Jesus, and that the believers would be given supernatural wisdom so as to circumvent persecution when possible. Help them to be strong in You.

Closer to home, Lord, we know people who need Christ. Use us to reach out to the lost, and may our church be used of you to bring in some of the harvest, for the fields are white.


Minister, we pray, to our personal needs, including spiritual needs, health needs, relational needs, financial needs, or a host of other needs. We thank You that care about the details of our lives, and we thank You that we can trust You in times both good and bad.

And so Lord, it is with confidence that You have heard us which makes us want to pray in Jesus' Name, Amen.



Prayer #2
by Ed Vasicek


Dear Heavenly Father,


We appreciate Your love and watch care over Your creation. We know that all things were created by You, and we know that You hold all things together. We thank You that You share Your common grace with all. You even bless those who completely reject You by providing them with air, food, water, and a measure of health. We thank You for Your Providential care for all mankind, and we remember that You steer the course of history.


We appreciate You, our God, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are grateful that the Holy Spirit has regenerated us; He caused us to be born again and brought us from spiritual death to spiritual life. We are grateful that He indwells us, has baptized us into the Body of Christ, endowed us with spiritual gifts, and, as we permit Him, He fills us to overflowing.


We pray, O Lord, for our Supreme Court Justices. We know these individuals wield tremendous amounts of power. Help them to interpret our laws wisely and honestly. Help them put aside their own prejudices and seek the original intent of our constitution and its amendments. Give them clarity of mind and a heart that senses its accountability to a higher law, Your law.


Almighty God, You know our church family has many needs. Some are suffering from physical, psychological, or spiritual downturns. Others have relational or financial difficulties. Some are disappointed, others are grieving, while still others are searching for that deeper life. Father, You know each need and burden, and we commit them to Your will and Your care.


Abba, Father, we remember our missionaries, those who know You and have been called by You to carry the Gospel to regions beyond. This morning we remember those who minister is Asia, an area dominated by non-Christian religions. We pray that governments like China, North Korea, and Viet Nam would recognize the religious rights of their citizens. We pray that multitudes in nations like those we just mentioned, as well as nations like India, Bangladesh, and Japan would turn to the Lord Jesus in droves. Help those who minister in these highly populated but under-evangelized parts of the world. Protect them, direct them, enlighten them, and give them fruit for their labors.

At home, Lord, we have much work to do. Today we remember our Sunday School ministry. We pray that our Sunday School ministry would blossom and make a big difference in deepening and grounding believers. Bless our teachers who give of their time and energy. May Your Spirit prosper their instruction. May they seek Your guidance as they prepare. Convince Your children of the importance of this ministry.


As individuals, each one of us need to grow in so many ways. This week, we pray that you would help us to love others better. Help this growth in love to begin at home, spread to work and school and the neighborhood. May others see Christ in us because they see the love we have.


And so Lord we commit these requests to You.


Thank You Lord for hearing and changing things because we pray in Jesus' Name, Amen.


Prayer #3

by Ed Vasicek


Our gracious God,


How we praise You that You are our Mighty Redeemer. We recognize that You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, all had part in buying your children back from the slave market of sin, doomed to experience Your righteous wrath. Instead, you have made us objects of mercy, recipients of grace, destined to become companions and siblings with our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.


Lord, we are not worthy to be brought into Your family for countless reasons. But that did not stop You. We pray that You would help us prepare for heavenly fellowship by learning to love our families, friends, and fellow believers in the here and now. Help us develop social skills, to practice kindness, and to put ourselves in the shoes of others instead of offering smug and simplistic answers.


We remember pastors, evangelists, missionaries, and countless workers in God's Kingdom, particularly those who know You and are true to Your Word. Bless their walk with You, their families, their health, and their ministries. Nurture them, use them, and find great pleasure in them, we ask.


We also remember our Supreme Court Justices. We pray that they would fear You and that they would render fair and proper verdicts consistent with Your justice.


Father, the needs we have hit close to home. Some of us are struggling with relationships, others with finances, others with difficult decisions, while others have health issues that never seem to let up. And Almighty One, there are so many problems and categories of problem or heartache that we dare not list them all. But for these things, Lord, we have You. You are our ultimate Resource, and we pray that You would have Your perfect will in each situation.


Now as we sing Your praises and enjoy the sweet honey of Your Word, we pray Your continued blessing upon us.

We pray in Jesus' Name, Amen.



Prayer #4
by Ed Vasicek


Holy One of Israel,


How we appreciate You as the Ancient of Days. You are self-derived, having neither beginning nor end. Time itself is Your creation. You have always been Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It amazes us to think that our universe was created by a mere conversation between the Persons of the Trinity! We also thank You that You planned to send Jesus even before the world was founded. He is truly the "Lamb of God slain before the foundation of the world."


Yet, Lord, we recognize that we are not worthy to receive Your grace. Our hearts beat about 130,000 beats per day, and yet everyone of those is by Your grace and with Your permission. Indeed, God the Son holds the entire universe together. We are at Your mercy: how grateful we are that You are gracious and faithful!


Father, we know that You desire Your Name to be glorified among all the peoples of the earth. We especially pray for the Church in Asia. Many of our brothers and sisters in that region are such a small minority, sometimes a persecuted minority. Yet You are working mightily in that region. We pray, Lord, for a great harvest in Asia. Give believers favor with the people and the governments, drive out Satan and may the truth of the Gospel become firmly established. Bless the missionaries and leaders who are true to You and Your Word.


Here at home, Father, we pray that You would help our suffering families. We especially remember single parents and their children. Help fill the voids they feel, provide for them, and be a Companion and Aid to them. May they learn to know You, live for You, and lean upon You.


Lord, each of us have personal needs. Some of us need a breath of fresh air, a spiritual lift to help us make it through another week. We pray that the pure breeze of Your Spirit would minister to each of us today.


We ask this in Jesus' Name, Amen.


Prayer #5
by Ed Vasicek


Father, we praise You as You reign in majesty and glory. You dwell in inapproachable light, and if we were to see you as you are we could not live. Although Your holiness brings us to our knees, we can approach You through our great High Priest, the Lord Jesus Christ.


Our God, we are checking in with headquarters. We need Your direction for this coming week. Some of us have been faithful servants this past week, others not so faithful, and perhaps most of us somewhere in between. Instead of trying harder, help us to cultivate our relationship with You so that we will naturally review all significant decisions with You and seek to implement Your directions provided within Your Word.


Lord, we have lost friends and relatives. We pray that You would remove their hearts of stone and give them a new heart of flesh; open their eyes and grant them the repentance that leads to life. May they come to know our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.


We also remember your servants who serve You on the Mission Field. They have heard and responded to Your calling for their lives. Yet they are not up to the task, a task so broad that in 2,000 years we have yet to complete it, namely taking Your Word to all the world and making disciples of all nations. Bless and multiply their efforts. Open the ears of those who hear. May governments be friendly and accommodating, send angels to protect them, bless their families, and endow them with wisdom greater than Solomon's.


Lord, we each have an inventory of requests and needs. Life has its struggles, and some of them are intense and relentless. Sometimes their sheer quantity overwhelms us. Remind us that You are the Sovereign Lord, and You only hold us accountable for that which is under our control. May we be faithful in trusting You through life's challenges.


Help our families to be strong, and bind Satan as he tries to destroy our faith, our character, our fellowship, and our families. Help us to put on Your armor. And when we have to deal with the fallout of spiritual casualties, help us to make the best of each situation and to act wisely.


We ask You to comfort and strengthen our persecuted brothers and sisters throughout the world, guide our president and leaders, and help our nation, and, more importantly, our world, to be impacted by the Gospel as never before. Use our congregation to make a positive impact that is disproportionate to our size; may You maximize our efforts.


We pray in Jesus' Name, Amen









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